Prevention and controlling asthma is the best way to deal with this disease
Asthma is a chronic disease which causes inflammation and narrowing of bronchial tubes or passages that let air in and out of body (lungs). In time of being exposed to chemicals or situations that can change respiratory patterns, patient can undergo more severe symptoms. According to world health organization, half of asthma cases are due to genetic susceptibility, while other half are due to environmental issues. Although there is no definitive treatment for this complication, prevention and controlling this disease is the best way possible to cope with it.
In general, there are two different types of this disease: aggressive ( due to being exposed to allergen) and noun-aggressive (due to stress, some types of physical activities, diseases such as cold or flu, being exposed to severe weather conditions, toxins available in air and some types of drugs).
What are Asthma symptoms?
- Cough
- Shortness of breath
- Tightness and pain in chest
- Chest wheezing and noisy breathing, especially in time of exhaling
Controlling and treatment of asthma
It is a good idea to get familiar with asthma treatment purposes:
- Controlling symptoms of this disease
- Reduce probable dangers to their minimum level
- Preserving normal functionality of lungs
Asthma drugs and side effects
Inhaled corticosteroids are among efficient medications that due to anti-inflammation properties, they can be useful in treatment of asthma. Fortunately, no side effects have been reported for this type of drugs yet. After all, it is always a good idea to treat patients with minimum dosage of medications. These people have to frequently be in touch with their doctors so that their overall conditions and changes can be under constant control.
In any cases, preventing from symptom occurrence is always the best strategy. People who are suffering from this disease should know under which condition they will have an attack of asthma so they can avoid such situations. If attacks occur intensively, unexpectedly and more than twice per week, patient should visit allergy specialist to determine reasons behind these attacks and undergo a long-term efficient treatment to control and eliminate symptoms.
Asthma impact on daily life
If asthma is diagnosed wrongly, it can be deadly. It is one of the hardest and breathtaking diseases for children that affects daily life of around 10.5 million students per year and prevent them from going to school. This disease also result in loss of 14.2 million working days for adults. Around 1.4 million of patients are treated by an outpatient method at the hospital and 1.75 million of patients are transferred to emergency rooms due to this disease.
Number of people who are suffering from asthma all around the world is increasing rapidly. One of the reasons behind this issue can be due to increasing trend of air pollution. Patients who are living in polluted or industrialized cities are suffering more from this issue and therefore the best offer for them is to leave their cities and change their place of living. Quit smoking can play a significant role in treating this disease. Patients should not also be exposed to its smoke. Flu vaccine and treatment of other diseases such as gastric reflux can also have significant role in curing this disease.
Asthma is a kind of disease during which the individual’s lung is affected. Once inner parts of lungs are inflamed, they will become highly sensitive and block the path of air through lungs. This can cause coughing and shortness of breath. There is no definitive treatment for this disease except some types of medications and controlling situations that can trigger symptoms.
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