Prevent Celiac disease by removing Gluten from your diet | Basir Eye Center
January 2, 2019

Prevent Celiac disease by removing Gluten from your diet

Celiac is a disease caused by the body’s immune system reaction to Gluten, which is a type of protein in foods such as wheat and oat. People with this disease should avoid taking Gluten-containing food and ingredients, as their small intestine is so sensitive and vulnerable. Over time, this issue affects the absorption of necessary food by body and eventually it negatively affects growth of children in the case of not being prevented or treated, this disease can become serious with irreversible complications.

Prevent Celiac disease by removing Gluten from your diet

Symptoms of the Celiac disease

This disease can have different symptoms in different people. In adults this disease can have symptoms, such as:

  • Constipation, diarrhea
  • Tiredness
  • Weight loss
  • Bloating, pain in abdominal parts
  • Nausea
  • This disease also can develop symptoms that vary in different parts of the body, such as:
  • Anemia, mostly due to the deficiency of Iron in body
  • Osteoporosis
  • Itching and skin sensation
  • Stomach reflex
  • Oral and dental injuries
  • Headache
  • Uncomfortable feeling in hands and feet


Symptoms of this disease in children include:

  • Nausea
  • Chronic diarrhea
  • Small rate of growth
  • Anorexia
  • Late maturity
  • Inappropriate height growth
  • Poor learning

Symptoms of this disease in children include

Treatments of Celiac disease

The best method for controlling the celiac disease is to observe your diet properly and try to avoid Gluten. Consequently, visiting a nutrition expert can be helpful for patients. In general, blood tests will be performed so that the doctor can have a better diagnosis. Results of such blood test provide a better picture of general condition of patient so that doctor can have better diagnosis to treat the patient. In most of the cases, presence of Gluten in patient’s diet results in more complications for the patient.

In fact, once the rate of Gluten decreases in the body, patient will feel better since the intestine shows less sensitivity. As soon as this rate increases by consuming gluten, reactions restart, even in the case of consuming small amount of Gluten. One has to consider that Gluten is not only in food, but also it can be found in many medications and supplements or cosmetic products.

Treatments of Celiac disease

If an individual experiences the lack of vitamins or other complications due to his or her specific diet, doctors will prescribe other necessary supplements due to the general conditions of patient. This can be in the form of tablets or injections. In the case of further complications due to treatment methods, more precise tests should be performed through endoscopy or biopsy.

Some of the patients that face problems due to Intestine damage and for treating this complication they need to take steroid drugs so that they can defeat their intestine inflammation.

Steroid drugs


Those patients who are diagnosed with the Celiac disease should not be exposed to Gluten .Celiac affects human digestive system significantly and develop symptoms such as diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain and… This disease can reduce body’s ability in absorbing needed nutrition. The best solution in this case would be removing the Gluten from patient’s diet.


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