What are contagious diseases and how we can prevent them? | Basir Eye Center
What are contagious diseases and how we can prevent them?
December 15, 2018

What are contagious diseases and how we can prevent them?

Human’s health has always been in danger of infectious diseases. In spite of significant advancements in the prevention and treatment, infectious disease continue to threaten and infect people all around the world. Given that the immune system is designed to protect us against these disorders and disease, there are some diseases which can be easily transmitted from one person to another through various ways. This makes people vulnerable and put them in great danger.  These types of diseases are known as contagious diseases . A list of contagious diseases as well as methods for prevention is represented in the following.

What are contagious disease and how we can prevent them

The Ways Infectious Diseases Spread

Contagious diseases are usually transmitted by 3 different ways:

  • Direct contact with the infected person
  • Direct contact with stuff and surfaces that are touched by an infected person
  • Being in touch with bacteria present in the air (through coughing and sneezing)

The general list of contagious diseases

In the list below you will find several contagious diseases that can be spread in several different ways:

  • All types of respiratory diseases
  • Common cold
  • Cholera
  • AIDS
  • Tuberculosis
  • Croup
  • Diphtheria
  • Meningitis
  • Yellow fever
  • Black cough
  • Hepatitis B

Skin disease:

  • Different types of fungal infections
  • chickenpox
  • Eczema
  • Herpes genital
  • leprosy
  • Pediculosis Capitis
  • Scabies
  • Rubella
  • smallpox
  • Verruca

Prevention and treatment of contagious diseases

Having a comprehensive knowledge of diseases listed above is useful, especially for learning how to prevent them. In the following some important actions that can be taken to prevent these diseases, will be introduced to you.

  • Vaccination is one of the best ways to prevent the transmission and spread of these diseases. Thanks to current medical researchers and advancements of the field, several vaccines have been invented that can prevent the impact of a wide range of diseases. These vaccines are readily available.

Prevention and treatment of contagious diseases

  • Maintaining personal hygiene is one of the most important issues in preventing infection. Therefore, it is important to wash hands (and feet) with anti-bacterial and disinfectant soaps during the day.

Maintaining personal hygiene

  • Use a tissue on your nose and mouth whenever you sneeze or cough. This can prevent bacteria from spreading in the environment.


  • Avoid being so close to a person who you know is infected by a particular contagious disease.

Avoid being

  • Do not forget that having a healthy sex is the key of preventing the spread of diseases.

healthy sex

Fortunately, technology is improving day by day, especially in the field of treating various diseases, including contagious ones.  To some extent, a number of the contagious diseases can be treated with medication. However, if not treated seriously, some of these diseases can cause dangerous problems and irreparable effects, so that consulting with a doctor to get a better medication and treatment is always advised.


While many of the contagious diseases are due to infections, the change of the behavioral patterns can cause them to become chronic diseases. Some types of these diseases are: simple cold, respiratory and dermatological diseases and in some dangerous cases, AIDS, Hepatitis B, cholera and… , are counted as contagious diseases which by vaccinations and other advised procedures can be easily prevented.


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