Cosmetic surgery , a way to increase self-confidence
The purpose of cosmetic surgery is to improve individuals’ appearance, so that it can result in increased self-esteem and self-confidence. It can be performed on any parts of the face and body. It is an elective surgical procedure chosen by patient to improve his or her physical appearance, solely for beauty reasons. Although cosmetic surgery is not considered as a medical condition, but for many of those who choose this type of surgery, it has significant benefits. It can be performed on parts of body which are unpleasant for the individuals and cause them embarrassment.
Different types of cosmetic surgeries
- Botox
- Cosmetic dentistry
- Blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery)
- Facial cosmetic surgery
- Laser hair removal ear surgery
- Rhinoplasty (nose surgery)
- Surgery to solve skin problems
- Liposuction
- Breast cosmetic surgery, including lifting
- And…
The best candidates for cosmetic surgery
Anyone can go under cosmetic surgeries, Of course in the case of not having both mental and physical problems. Patient’s health is surgeon’s first priority. The surgeon would certainly persuade the patient to abandon those procedures which can be potentially problematic for him or her in the future. Cosmetic surgeries, such as breast cosmetic surgery, facial rejuvenation and wrinkles treatments to reduce facial wrinkles, are usually useful to cope with aging symptoms.
Is it exclusively for women?
Cosmetic surgeries is not exclusively for women but it is popular among them. Procedures such as liposuction, eyelid surgery and Rhinoplasty are equally common between men and women, while cosmetic surgeries performed on breasts are more common among women and have a wider candidacy.
What are the benefits of cosmetic surgery?
Cosmetic surgeries have many benefits for individuals. We will introduce two important examples in the following.
Physical benefits- cosmetic surgery can improve the beauty of parts of the body which individuals do not feel good about them. Some women may experience changes in their breasts and abdomen especially after childbirth or losing weight, so that they are willing to go under a plastic surgery to restore the initial shape of their body. Cosmetic surgery can help them to bring the initial look of their body back so that no unfit shape would be seen between different organs.
Emotional benefits- Many of those who have undergone cosmetic surgeries, have felt more self-confidence and are emotionally satisfied of their new improved body. These people are more likely to be in the community and avoid isolation.
What is the average age for cosmetic surgery?
According to the available data, most of the individuals who apply for cosmetic surgeries are between the ages of 35 to 50. Surgeries such as Rhinoplasty, liposuction and … are more common among young patients, while facial cosmetic surgeries, eyelid surgery and Botox are more common among older people.
Cosmetic surgeries, such as Blepharoplasty, Rhinoplast, Retinoplasty and …, are those procedures which are performed to reconstruct skin tissues, improve and correct structural defects and remove scars and natural aging signs .These procedures specially facial cosmetic surgery, can improve individuals self-confidence and have positive effects on their lives. Before any cosmetic surgery, doctors check patient’s physical and mental health to avoid any further complications.
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