Different types of facial acne and their treatments | Basir Eye Center
Different types of facial acne and their treatments
January 9, 2019

Different types of facial acne and their treatments

Facial acne is a kind of natural complication that everyone experiences at least once during their lifetime. Acne has different types. Some of them disappear quickly while other types need specific treatments which can take a long time. Face is the most common place for acne, especially during puberty, which can have different symptoms and require different treatments based on individual’s characteristic. In the following, we will explain different types of acne and their treatments:

Different types of facial acne and their treatments

White head acne or closed Comedon

There are a lot of apertures on skin surface, which can help it to breath. If these apertures get blocked by different reasons, such as dead skin cells, infection in the form of white head acne will appear. That is how white head acne or closed Comedon forms.

White head acne or closed Comedon

Black head acne or open Comedon

If you have noticed these types of facial  acne , you may already know that they are not weak, yet they are more resistance. The open skin aperture in this case is not blocked by anything and the black color is due to the reaction of melanin with oxygen.

Black head acne or open Comedon


Papule is red small facial acne which can have life-long affect even if you put slight pressure on it. When papule appears on your face you should be careful as they are very sensitive and the smallest shock can cause inflammation and swelling on them.



Have you ever experienced a very hurtful acne close to your nose or face which is filled with yellow or white pus? This type of facial acne is called Paschull. Any tension on them can cause a painful scar which its trace would remain on your skin for a long time.



Miliya is the name of small pimples which show up mostly in group and is common among infants. Miliya can also appear on adults faces which is mostly due to the accumulation of dead skins and can be treated with a simple cleansing procedure.



The word cyst itself may remind you of a swollen, painful lesion that can reside inside the skin for a long time. Inside this lesion there are bacteria and other types of contaminations which if they get their way to the skin, may affect it completely. Therefore, you need to be careful for discharging them.


Treating different types of facial acne

There are many different ways to treat mild acne, among which we can refer to usage of different gels and creams and in some cases antibiotics, components of retinoid or natural facial masks under supervision of dermatologists. If an individual has scars due to acne or is highly sensitive to the treatment procedure, other methods such as laser therapy can be suggested, which is one of the most common methods in skin and hair clinics these days. Other treatment methods, such as dermabrasin, punch and subcyan can also be beneficial for treating facial acne.

Treating different types of facial acne


Due to the excessive fat which is discharged by facial fat tubes and dead cells, skin can experience acne. Acne has different types and can cause symptoms such as swelling, redness or pain. Natural facial masks, creams, different lotions and medication can be effective in treating facial acne. Meanwhile, laser therapy is a golden method for treating acne and Its scars



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