Important factors in general wellness | Basir Eye Center
Important factors in general wellness
January 4, 2019

Important factors in general wellness

Paying attention to mental and physical wellness is very important for all the people, as it is a dynamic procedure and is changing all the time. You might know that those who participate in regular exercising routines improve their health condition as well as their future general wellness. As much as we move toward a better lifestyle, wellness will improve and we can prevent more diseases. Although physical wellness is an important factor in overall wellness of body, but it is only one aspect of general wellness. Learning about different parameters which are important for personal wellness can be beneficial for improving the life quality.

Important factors in wellness

Other parameters :

Other parameters which are as important as physical wellness include:

Social wellness:

the ability of communicating with people and the environment and having satisfying personal relationships.

Mental wellness:

The ability of learning, growing and mental balance

Emotional wellness:

The ability of controlling emotions in a way that you can express them in a comfortable way.

Spiritual wellness:

Having faith. This can be different from one person to the other, but the concept of faith itself is common among different people.

Emotional training and social relations

Be kind and let your sprite be free so that your physical and mental health can improve. Any word can enlighten your day and bring you closer to other people. Being sociable also has beneficial effect on both mental and physical conditions of individuals and is a key parameter for a life-long general wellness. If you want to have a long and healthy life then you should work on your relations with good friends. A study in Brigham Young University reveals that those people who are social have lived 50 percent longer than those who do not participate in social events.

Emotional training and social relations

Exercising and Yoga

Try Yoga once in your life for enhancing your  general wellness . Having a repetitive lifestyle which consists of facing many different challenges is normal. Yoga means getting connected with a meaningful life and dealing with the surrounding world open minded. Getting fit is a slow and continues procedure and following regular exercises, either in Yoga or other trainings, is a great decision for acquiring healthy body and life.

Exercising and Yoga

Proper diet

Any live cell of your body is made of what you eat and drink. Food is not just a source of energy but it can directly impact your DNA and let the brain know what to do. Food can be either as useful as medicine or as dangerous as poison for your body, so choose it wisely.

Proper diet

Regular sleep

When your body rests enough and you go under deep sleep, hormones of your body can perform better so that the  general wellness can be acquired. Have a regular sleeping schedule and try to sleep early at nights.

Regular sleep

Positive thinking and concentration

Positive thinking and what you concentrate on will turn to the reality of your life. If you spend all your time focusing on positive dreams, you can get all the things you want. Once you realize how powerful your thoughts are, you would never go for negative ones. With this method, you can easily deal with stress and other challenges of your life.

Positive thinking and concentration


Health and general wellness are basically steps toward high quality lifestyle, personal growth through positive thoughts and behaviors. If we take the responsibility of our wellness we can improve it day by day. Meanwhile, there are factors which play important role in our wellness, such as: diet, exercising and activity, methods for preventing stress, good social relationships and successful career.


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