What are the main causes of hair loss and how can it be treated? | Basir Eye Center
Portrait of a young woman brushing her hair, close up (studio)
January 8, 2019

What are the main causes of hair loss and how can it be treated?

Men usually lose more hair in comparison to women and that is mainly due to their hair loss pattern. However hair loss is rather common among women, too.  There are different reasons behind this complication, ranging from simple ones such as vitamin deficiencies to more complicated ones such as a dangerous diseases. There are different efficient treatments for this complication that can help individuals to retrieve their beauty.

What are the main causes of hair loss and how can it be treated

Causes of hair loss


Any type of stress, such as accidents, losing beloved ones or being sick and…can cause this complication .Hair has a three-phase life: growing, resting and falling. Dermatologists believe that stress can affect this cycle significantly and lead hair to the falling phase faster.

Causes of hair loss


Pregnancy is a critical period in women’s life and most of them would experience this complication during it. Imbalance in level of different hormones in body and nutrition deficiency in this period can also play role in hair loss.

Deficiency in vitamin, protein and minerals

American skin academy believes that those people who are not receiving enough vitamin and protein, due to their bad diet, will show this deficiency by losing hair. It will happen about two or three months after reduction in protein,minerals and vitamins usage.

Hair loss pattern in men

Hair loss pattern is common among most of the men and it is mostly due to inheritance.

Significant weight loss

Fast weight loss can cause several damages to the body. One of these damages is hair loss. In fact, through weight loss hair enters its falling phase faster due to the reduced amount of nutrition in body.


Heredity is one of the most important causes of hair loss and those people with background of this complication in their family, will experience it more.

Female sex hormones

Hormonal changes during pregnancy can result this problem. On the other hand, using certain medicines and menopause can also cause imbalance in level of hormones and result in hair loss.

Anemia or other diseases such as Hypothyroidism

Some diseases such as anemia or hypothyroidism can cause this complication.

Anemia or other diseases such as Hypothyroidism

Different treatments for hair loss

Rich and healthy diet

Including necessary nutrition for body is necessary for its health and it can increase the hair growth.

Rich and healthy diet

Using laser comb

Laser comb is one of the best treatments available for hair loss. Using this comb three times per week can have positive impact on the scalp. Weak lasers can act as anti-oxidants on hair follicles.

Change your shampoo

There are evidences that some of the gels and shampoos are the main reasons of hair loss. That is due to the presence of chemicals in some of these products which have destructive effect on hair structure.

Stop taking hot showers

Hot shower can damage the scalp and some people believe that scalp inflammation can decrease the follicle growth and result this condition.

Scalp massage

Scalp massage can increase the hair density as well as blood circulation in scalp itself and follicles of hair. This can increase the activity of gens present in those parts which are in charge of hair growth. This can increase the hair growth and reduces stress in this part of the body.

Hair transplantation and natural hair junction

Hair transplantation and natural hair junction consist of using hair follicles from the “donor” regions Such as back of head or both sides of head and transplanting them to the scalp. These donor regions are usually the back and side parts of the head. Many different techniques are available for hair transplantation. However, the most modern methods take the advantage of stem cells which can result in regrowth of hair in the donor regions as well.

Hair transplantation and natural hair junction


Hair loss is mainly due to genetic reasons and poor diet. However, diseases, emotional stress, protein deficiency and hormonal imbalance can also play important role in this condition. Fortunately, this complication can be treated with different methods, such as proper diet and hair transplantation is an absolute solution for this complication.



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