Natural childbirth benefits,risks and complications
Normal delivery is healthy and safe except when unnecessary problems occur, and it’s generally recommended more than other methods. However, pregnancy and childbirth are considered natural, but not always safe. Although natural childbirth also have dangers but its complications and risks are much lower than cesarean.
Natural childbirth risks:
short term natural childbirth and its complications:
- Womb’s contractions during mother’s birth giving
- Disorderly heartbeat
- During the birth giving, when the cord is under pressure, the mother may bleed a lot
- Bleeding
- Changes in the form of the genital
This change in the form occurs, such as bladder lowerness or rupture of the vaginal ending in women who have multiple births or large embryos.
- Infection
- High blood pressure
- Severe pain
To decrease severe pain, injections of medication within the muscle can be applied, or by using an epidural ampulla that is injected into the epidural in the waist with a narrow needle from the mother’s spine and with numbness in the waist area. This ampulla has many complications after birth giving because of a severe back pain.
- Late birth of the baby by injection of anesthetic ampoules
- The mother’s inability to force
- great stress
Natural childbirth and long-term complications:
- After childbirth’s bleeding
This means that some of the placenta may have been remained in the mother’s abdomen, and after a few days they will have bleeding and infection.
- low and loose vagina
- Failure to control urine and feces
Failure to control urine in mothers is more common, and lack of fecal control occurs when the mother’s anus muscles are damaged, who cannot keep their feces.
- Damage to the pelvic floor muscle
- Common vaginal pain
Complications of natural childbirth for infants:
- Fetal death inside the uterus
If the fetus is not born in time or the fetal heart rate is less than 120 beats per second and is not born in more than 15 minutes, the doctor will probably give birth to the dead fetus.
- Bleeding and fracture of the baby’s skull
When the baby’s going out is problematic, the doctors use the baby’s suction device. If this is not under the supervision of an expert, the brain and skull of the baby will be damaged.
Now we are dealing with benefits of natural birth giving to consider the strengths of this type of childbirth and its superiority over other ways, so that you have a great deal of information to choose the best.
Natural Benefits:
- Gathering and returning to the previous state of the uterus
- Getting up and dismissal of the hospital sooner
- Better communication between mother and baby
Due to the fact that she has been hugging her infant immediately after giving birth and from the first breast milk that the infant has become vaccinate, the baby has a better emotional connection with her mother.
- The development of the fetus, because when the embryo grows completely, it born.
- Reduce respiratory problems in the baby
- The baby is less allergic
But in general, women’s bodies are designed for natural birth giving, and even with the complications mentioned, natural birth giving is still the safest method for mother and baby. According to the World Health Organization, 10-15% of childbirths are performed in cesarean. And these statistics show that 85 to 90 percent of natural childbirths are safe and fewer complications occur.
The human body is made for natural childbirth. Natural childbirth for mother and the baby is much more beneficial than other deliveries and the risks are less than cesarean. Natural childbirth has some complications, but these complications are not dangerous and will be resolved after a while. In the natural childbirth,the baby’s and mother’s emotional feelings is quicker and the baby can breastfeed sooner.
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