What is period cycle ?
The period is the flow of blood from the inner line of uterus that occurs monthly in women. In this cycle, the women’s body changes each month to be prepared for pregnancy. The menstrual cycle starts on the first day of the period, which is usually 28 days, but a normal cycle is around 21 to 35 days. Girls from the age of 12 years have the period in their lives and the cycle is with them but this is not general for all girls to start their period cycle at the age of 12, a girl aged 8 to 16 may start her period.
The age is not exactly predictable, but it usually has a family basis and it depends on the mother age of beginning of the period cycle and her daughter will be like her mother. The organs which are involved in the menstrual cycle are: the brain, the pituitary gland, the uterus and the cervix, ovaries and fallopian tubes and vagina.
How long does the bleeding take time and how much is it?
The time of bleeding is not always the same and it is changeable. Some girls bleed 2-3 days and some others between 5 to 7 days.
The period cycle continues in women until menopause and it is about 50 years old, the important point is that, women cannot become pregnant after their menopause.
Period pain is common in women. More than half of the women have a painful period cycle, and about one third of them cannot do their routines for 1 to 3 days.
The causes of this pain can be endometriosis, fibroids, and vaginal ulcers.
Endometriosis is when the external tissue with the blood grows in the fallopian, ovary and the lower abdomen, and these tissues grow in the cycle but because it doesn’t find a way out it causes pain in the pelvic.
The pain usually is below the abdomen, the waist and the pain is high on the first day and the next days it decreases. This pain is more common between young girls but after marriage and childbirth it is reduced.
The period cycle and its pain treatment
- Abdomen and waist massage
- Using warm water and towel
- Bending on elbows and knees
- Walking
- Hot water showers
- Avoiding heavy foods
- Drinking cowslip, thyme, green tea and chamomile drinks
- Vitamin E intake
- Avoiding cold nature foods
- Using ginger
Some women have irregular menstruation that it caused by stress, bad diet, exercise, using alcohol, birth control pills, polycystic ovarian syndrome, and menopause and in taking of some drugs.
When the bleeding is too much and longer than usual, it is because of anemia or imbalance of hormone, cyst, blood thinning drugs, cervical swelling and so forth which can affect too much bleeding.
Period in women is completely normal and prepares women for being pregnant every month and usually bleed from 5 to 7 days a month, and the period usually begins at the age of 12. Period pain is common in women. More than half of the women have a painful period cycle, and about one third of them cannot do their routines for 1 to 3 days. The causes of this pain can be endometriosis, fibroids, and vaginal ulcers. Some women have irregular menstruation that it caused by stress, bad diet, exercise, using alcohol, birth control pills, polycystic ovarian syndrome, and menopause and taking some drugs.
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