What are the advantages of skin laser ? | Basir Eye Center
What are the advantages of skin laser ?
December 26, 2018

What are the advantages of skin laser ?

 People desire to be clean and beautiful, therefore they always try to find new ways and solutions to meet this need. The removal of excessive hair is a long-standing problem which is considered as a beauty problem and so far many methods have been developed to efficiently ease the procedure. Using blade and other shaving tools for removing the excessive hair of face and body or other replaced new methods such as waxing are not satisfying enough for men and women. But there are better solutions such as skin laser .

Considering its benefits, skin laser is considered as one of the most effective ways for excessive hair removal these days. This method also can be used for scar removals and treating different skin diseases, such as swelling. This method has been used by many different dermatologists all around the world and has gained a high level of satisfaction, so far.

What are the advantages of skin laser

Skin Laser Process

In addition to treatment, this method can be used to make skin look younger. Light rays with different wavelengths are used in the skin laser method. This is done in combination of local anesthesia so that the patient would feel comfortable. The treatment process and the duration of each session depend on the condition of the patient and goal of each session. These sessions can last between 15 minutes to several hours. In general,this method in mild cases can cure the skin in one treatment session and in severe cases the patient needs to go through several sessions to gain complete treatment.

Benefits of skin laser

  • The permanent laser methods at the present time have gained an impressive success. Primary laser methods had caused damages on the skin due to inefficient technology they have been using, but fortunately this technique has been improved significantly and is more practical now without hurting individuals. This method has been improved so that now it is employed for treating many of the skin diseases.
  • The skin laser is practical enough to be used efficiently for different parts of the skin. Different parts of the body can be covered and treated by this method, such as: hands, feet, abdomen and face.

Benefits of skin laser

  • Skin laser is less painful rather than other methods. The good news is that new and high-tech laser devices are equipped with cooling systems which have improved their efficiency as well as the satisfaction of patients.
  • It may take some time for the skin laser therapy to show its results, however this method has no side effects or complications which is the
  • Main reason of its popularity among the clients of hair and skin clinics. This method can reduce the hair growth and eventually stops that.

reduce the hair growth


The skin laser is one of the latest and the most modern methods which can be performed in the hair and skin clinics by dermatologists and can be beneficial for treating skin or removing the excessive hair .This new method can be highly effective, less painful with less damaging on the skin and other tissues which all has made it a popular method all around the world.




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