Different type of Thyroid disorders | Basir Eye Center
Different type of Thyroid disorders
January 20, 2019

Different type of Thyroid disorders

The thyroid is a gland which is interstitial and it is located at the end of the throat in the shape of a butterfly and this gland secretes the hormones of the speed of labor and energy into the blood.Thyroid disorders can decrease or increase the speed of metabolism in the body. These hormones affect the amount of metabolism and leads to a sense of heat and obesity, or even make the heart rush.

Different type of Thyroid disorders

Thyroid disorders:

  • Hypothyroidism (hypothyroidism)
  • Hypothyroidism (hyperthyroidism)
  • The large size of the thyroid gland (goiter)
  • Thyroid cancer
  • Thyroid inflammation (thyroiditis)

Now we explain them one by one :


This gland is less likely to work, it cannot produce enough hormone and suffers from abnormalities in the body. The inactivity of this gland is usually caused by an autoimmune disease called Hashimoto, in which antibodies are produced against the gland and they are destroyed.

Low labor symptoms:

  • weariness and weakness
  • Being lazy
  • Problem in concentrating
  • Increase in body weight
  • skin dryness
  • Feeling cold at the ending of the hands and feet
  • Constipation
  • Cramps in the body muscles
  • Increase the amount of bleeding in the menstrual cycle
  • Infertility and Abortion

Hypothyroidism treatment

For treatment , the low hormones should be compensated and it can be treated by taking existing pills which are prescribed and also using iodized salts in the markets.


The excessive activity of this gland leads to the disease, and the main cause of this autoimmune disease is Graves, which makes antibodies against the gland and increases the rate of production of the hormone in the body.

Hyperthyroidism symptoms:

  • getting irritable and nervous
  • Increase in sweating
  • Thinning of the skin
  • Muscle weakness and shaking hands
  • insomnia
  • heart beat
  • losing Weight
  • Reduction in menstrual bleeding

Hyperthyroidism treatment:

One of the treatments type for this type of Thyroid disorder is by using oral anti thyroid drugs, such as methimazole which can regulate hormones as much as possible, but may return to its original condition by discontinuing the drug. Radioactive iodine can also be used to prevent goiter abnormalities and to reduce toxic nodes, and it is commonly in adults to be used in this way and has little or no complications.


It may be created because of the inflammated bacteria and viruses and cause thyroiditis.

Treatment of inflammation:

Treatment of thyroid diseases depends mostly on the severity of the disease and the type of thyroid disorder. Getting Drug treatment is very crucial in most diseases and inflammation can be deleted by using special medications. Thyroid cancer is usually treated by surgery.

Treatment of inflammation

Point :

The impact of exercising on most diseases and body functions is undeniable. It is very important to exercise to lower the weight and improve the function of this gland, and you can treat the disorder and relieve the pain.


Thyroid is a gland in throat that controls the body’s metabolism and the speed of labor and energy. A disorder in this small gland leads to some diseases that should refer to the doctor to get treatment. Thyroid disorders can decrease or increase the speed of metabolism in the body. These hormones affect the amount of metabolism and leads to a sense of heat and obesity, or even make the heart rush.

There are some thyroid disorders such as: hypothyroidism (hypothyroidism), hypothyroidism (hyperthyroidism),the large size of the thyroid gland (goiter),thyroid cancer and the thyroid inflammation (thyroiditis).









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