Have a healthy sexual intercourse by knowing how to avoid venereal diseases | Basir Eye Center
Have a healthy sexual intercourse by knowing how to avoid venereal diseases
December 22, 2018

Have a healthy sexual intercourse by knowing how to avoid venereal diseases

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs), which are also known as sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) or venereal diseases (VD) in medical science, are those diseases which can be transmitted from one person to another through sexual act. These infections can be passed through different ways of sexual actions and infect people, such as: vaginal intercourse, oral sex or anal sex. Therefore, experiencing a healthy sexual relationship is possible only when you know how to prevent these diseases.

 What are venereal diseases?

Micro-organisms that exist on the skin or mucus membranes of female or male genital areas, can be transmitted through semen, vaginal secretions or blood during sexual intercourse. STDs are usually caused due to viruses or bacteria.

Some examples of venereal diseases include:

  • Chlamydia
  • Chancroid
  • Gonorrhea
  • Genital lice
  • Genital herpes
  • Genital warts
  • Hepatitis B
  • AIDS
  • Trichomoniasis
  • Herpes virus
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease
  • Syphilis

Without using proper and safe options, such as condom and …, the sexually transmitted infections can easily be transmitted during an unprotected sexual intercourse.

How common venereal diseases are?

The World Health Organization estimates that, more than one million new STDs are acquired each day, all around the world. Half of all new sexually transmitted diseases are experienced by people aged between 15 to 24 and 1 in 4  sexually active female has a STD, such as human papillomavirus or chlamydia. In comparison with older adults, those in ages between 15 to24 have a higher risk of being infected by STD. However, sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are increasing among older adults.

Preventing ways from venereal diseases

  • Having a safe sex, is probably the most efficient way for preventing sexually transmitted diseases. Contraceptive methods, such as medication or intrauterine devices, do not work to protect people with sexually transmitted infections.
  • Having a healthy and safe sexual intercourse
  • For each intercourse, use a new Latex condom. (To prevent a painful intercourse, you can use a lubricant or sanitary oil with condom).
  • Choose a healthy partner who isn’t infected and remain faithful with him/her for a long time.
  • There are vaccines that can protect individuals from some types of dangerous venereal diseases. We can refer to Hepatitis B vaccine as an example.
  • Get familiar with sexually transmitted diseases symptoms and before any sexual act make sure that you and your partner are not affected.
  • Parents, schools and public health centers should explain the importance of a safe sex to teenagers and young people, as well as how to prevent becoming infected with venereal diseases. This education should also contain some information about lesbians, bisexuality, gender transferring and….

Preventing ways from Sexually transmitted diseases


Currently sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), venereal diseases) are one of the most common infections which are transmitted by infected organisms of sexual partners. These diseases include: chlamydia, gonorrhea, AIDS, hepatitis and … which to be prevented, one needs to know their symptoms and take the necessary precautions.


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